Emma was here :3 [[Books I've Read]] # TODOS - [ ] Get the CBBH on HTB academy - [x] Do SQLMap Esssentials - [x] Do Command Injections - [ ] Do File Upload Attacks - [ ] Do Server-side attacks - [ ] Do Login Brute Forcing - [ ] Do Broken Authentication - [ ] Do Web Attacks - [x] Do File Inclusion - [ ] Do Session Security - [ ] Do Web Service & API attacks - [x] Do Hacking WordPress - [ ] do array problems in leetcode [[To watch]] # Techniques - [[SQL injection]] - [[Cross Site Request Forgery]] - [[Hacking Wordpress]] # Tools - [[Sqlmap]] # Podcasts writeups - [[Critical Thinking]] # Talks - [[secondary context bugs]] - [[Zero to MVH]] - [[CSRF - computerphile]] - [[Decrusting]] - [[Scams in Software Engineering]]